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Whether you are a sole trader or a director of a company you will be fully aware of the importance of ensuring you are correctly and adequately insured. We can refer you to a choice of intermediaries, for advice on a wide range of Specialist products.
Neither 1 4 U Financial Solutions Ltd nor PRIMIS Mortgage Network are responsible for any advice provided by a third party provider.
Commercial Property Owners Solicitors Accountants Surveyors Estate Agents Engineers Architects IT Consultants Financial Advisors Tradesmen |
Plumbers Electricians Builders Pubs Motor Traders Retailers Shops Offices Surgeries Hospitals |
Care Homes Hotels & B&B’s Restaurants Sports Clubs Football Clubs Golf Clubs Manufacturers Hauliers Night Clubs Others |
We often find that not only are businesses paying too much for their cover but also that they DO NOT HAVE THE CORRECT COVER IN PLACE, as the policy has often been arranged by companies who are not Commercial Insurance Specialists. This is a risk you cannot afford to take.
Commercial Services are referred to a third party. Neither 1 4 U Financial Solutions Ltd nor PRIMIS are responsible for the service received. These services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and may have limited consumer protection.
We charge a Broker Fee of £199 on application and £190 on completion of your Mortgage.
*Some forms of Bridging Finance and most Buy to Let Mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Commercial Mortgages, Overseas Property & Mortgages, Wills, Probate, Trusts and Tax & Estate Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Pensions, Investments, Wills & Probate, Tax & Estate Planning, Overseas Property & Overseas Mortgages, Commercial Mortgages, Bridging Loans and Commercial Insurances are referred to specialist suppliers. 1 4 U Financial Solutions Ltd or PRIMIS are not responsible for any advice received from a third party.
This website is intended for people over 18 years of age who are resident in the UK only. The website and the information contained therein should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct business in any jurisdiction other than the UK. These pages provide generic information about various aspects of financial services advice that we provide. We hope they are helpful to you but they do not on their own add up to recommendations and we cannot take responsibility for anything you do in reliance on them without further discussion with us. Please do not make a decision based upon the information contained within these pages alone. Contact us for further advice to enable you to make an informed decision based upon your individual circumstances.